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Type: LP
Released: 2004
Label: Sonic Wave Intl./ Moribund Cult Records
Running Time: 76:21
1. Burning the Born Again
2. H.E.L.L.
3. Sinners in Sanctuary
4. Darkmoon Gathering
5. Ecliptic Equinox
6. Unholy Sabbath
7. Satanic Magisterium
8. Inner-Voice Gem
9. Inverted Jesus
10. Crypt
11. Satan's Host
12. Inside the Castle of Euphoric Blasphemy
13. Luciferan Law Evoked
L.C.F. Eli Elixir - Vox/Lyrx
Patrick Evil - Lead Guitar/Synth
J. Phantom - Bass
Pete 3 Wicked - Drums
Recorded at Flatline Audio
Engineered and produced by Dave Otero
Having started in 1986 as a hybrid power/black/thrash band, Colorado's Satan's Host is clearly one of a kind. Starting out with Harry Conklin (Jag Panzer) on vocals and experiencing tremendous setbacks with the murder of their drummer, Satan's Host went on hiatus for several years. In 1999, the band reemerged with a revamped line-up, an even more intense sound, and a metal mission. Having toiled the underground of extreme metal for over 20 years, these satanic stalwarts are finally getting exposure they deserve.
Originally released in 2004, Burning the Born Again… (A New Philosophy) gets a proper reissue this year courtesy of Moribund Records. Featuring two bonus tracks, Burning the Born Again marks the creative and artistic turning point for Satan's Host. While leaning heavily towards black metal with blasphemous lyrics and grim guitars, Satan's Host is not afraid to experiment with and expand upon their style. Album opener "Ecliptic Equinox" is chock full of black, thrash, doom, death and traditional metal riffs courtesy of founding member/guitarist Patrick Evil. The shredding solos are jaw dropping and the melodic clean picking mid-section proves that Satan's Host isn't your run of the mill black metal band.
The eclectic metal mix continues with the epic "Sinners in Sanctuary" that oozes with heavy Black Sabbath style riffage and closes as a blasphemous black metal anthem. "H.E.L.L." is a pure blackend thrash fest that allows drummer Pete 3 Wicked to really show his drumming prowess. But the real brilliance starts with "A Darkmoon Gathering." Humbly starting with an eerie acoustic intro with vocalist L.C.F. Eli Elixir's clean vocals, the song quickly morphs into a darkly dense metal epic. Elixir's unmatched roar coupled with the undulant riffs of Evil and the thunderous drums of Wicked, "A Darkmoon Gathering" sums up what Satan's Host is about. With the heavy hooks and melodies, the track is a massive affair that moves effortlessly and masterfully through several metal genres. Any respecting doom, death or black metal fan will find plenty to adore here in the 6+ minutes of molten metal. And it just gets better. "Inverted Jesus" is a massive 8-minute epic that starts off with a Dissection-esque classical piece that swells into a brutal blackened cut and ends in sheer melodic brilliance. "inverted Jesus" is perhaps one of the strongest songs Satan's Host has ever created.
What really sets Satan's Host apart from most of their peers is that the band creates epic, multi-genre extreme metal that embraces the listener and takes them on an intense journey. Those looking for Luciferian themes will find inspiration in Elixir's lyrics and vocal performance. Wicked proves himself to be a multifaceted drummer and Evil's versatile style and intense shredding seals the deal.
Burning the Born Again is also expertly produced to give the music a polished yet organic feel. No drum triggers or studio magic here folks. There are a few unnecessary interludes, but the songs are jam-packed riff fests that easily provide the listener with enough material and diversity to command their attention. It's tracks like the 8-minute "Inside the Castle of Euphoric Blasphemy" that proves the craftsmanship of the band. It's simply rare to find that much range in a song and not have it exceed 20 minutes.
Satan's Host's late 80s and first two albums after the reformation were straightforward and developmental affairs, letting the band mature and smooth out their sound. But it's Burning the Born Again that launches Satan's Host above the watermark. Simply put, it's intricate extreme metal that is inspired and expertly crafted.
Highly recommended for not just fans of Dissection and blasphemous black metal, but all extreme metallers.
Rating: 9 out of 10
LinkStuck inside with a second, full blown pre-winter snow storm, gives plenty of times to work on this long lasting release, clocking in at more than 76 minutes, not what is commonly found on a single disc!
Satan's Host have been around for a while, having their first album out way back in 1986. "Burning the Born Again... (A New Philosophy)" was actually released in 2004 by Black Magic but, Moribund Cult, following their satanic duty, decided to re-issue it in 2007. Satan's Host is not really a Black Metal act as such, although the horned lord is at the center of their operations. They do have inverted crosses in their logo and many of their song titles refer to anti-Christian themes, much to my pleasure. This gives their musical direction a blackened edge but, this band is more leaning toward a thrashy Death direction. I'm not too fond of either styles, but here the vocals are not too much on the screaming side. Great/juicy riffs and beefed up bass, sick and wicked vocals, varied tempos, often venturing into doom territory, and pounding drums are there to entertain the listener. Keyboards are scarce but still present, adding a pleasant harmonious touch - the same goes for the few samplings (wind, thunder, and rain and church bells). In general, the compositions are pretty good but a bit lengthy.
This is not the best album ever, but it includes good wickedness like: "Inverted Jesus", "Satan's Host" and "Inside the Castle of Euphoric Blasphemy."
-Pagan Shadow
LinkEnglish (Translated)
Republication on Moribund Cult of an album published in 2004, Burning The Born Again… (A New Philosophy) of Satan' S Host, group of Colorado, give in a black/death diabolic and poignant metal. Surprisingly, the group began in 1977 as a unit… power metal! The group separates into 1987/88, when their singer Leviathan Thisiren (aka Harry Conklin) leaves the formation, to be reformed in 1994 with a new vocal artist, L.C.F. Eli Elixir, thus taking a new departure, in a new musical direction. An interesting course, which gives place to a high level of experimentation in the sequences, in environment like in the production. Burning The Born Again… (A New Philosophy) mark an important step in the dynamics of this group of old lorry drivers, and incarnates the proof that the years were not right of crowned fire.
This fourth opus in career marks the arrival in the formation of a new beater, Pete 3. Wicked. Resulting from the scene grindcore, the new recruit takes along with him of the influences which gives to the sound of the group something of more brutal, more believed. At the vocal level, one alternates between sonorities black metal, more present at the final account, some keys death more gutturales. The sung ambient vocal harmonies are also pointed out, like some spoken proses, which they describe like "poetic incantations dealing with `Black Magick'". The black magic and the satanism, two topics frequently approached in the repertory of the group, thus form still the base of the lyric register of the four-bit byte, marked anti-Christians.
At the musical level, one notes inter alia the return of the synthetizers and keyboards, an addition who on a purely evolutionary basis, gives a epic dimension more `' to the sound of the group. Probable legacy of their time power, evolving/moving well with their new style, the latter gives melodic accents and different emotions to the end product. The fury of the sequences of guitars as for it, evokes at certain time of the deeply rough feelings near the listener, in some others rhythmic supported, very `groovy', defines the défoulement ultimate one, and passes very close to even the thrash metal at unquestionable precise times. Constantly, the tracks of drums offer a perfect symbiosis with the environment of the parts: of an exactitude throbbing per moments, launching out in furious blast happy next moment, enjoying a set of cymbals and bottom drums an impressive quality, it pass very close to even the thrash metal at unquestionable precise times. Constantly, the tracks of drums offer a perfect symbiosis with the environment of the parts: of an exactitude throbbing per moments, launching out in furious blast happy the next moment, enjoying a set of cymbals and bottom drums an impressive quality, the new one come in the formation and the professional spheres manages extremely well. The use of pressure pick-ups (commonly called "triggers" in the jargon) on bottom drums allows also a quality of recording without precedent for the group. The sound clean and fat of low come complémenter all these qualities rhythmic.
All in all, the impeccable production of the album return justice to quality inherent in the composition, with the research carried out on the level of the sound which gives a new breath to the group, and return justice with their most solid album to him on date. For the music lover, the varied influences, taken along by the diversified experiment of the members of the American formation, offers a product interesting to dissect. Not need to be hold in music on the other hand to appreciate the accrocheuse simplicity of the sequences which make the driving force of this album. My recommendations: "Sinners in Sanctuary", "Burning The Born Again" and "Inverted Jesus", for the groove intensity of the service, and "The Unholy Sabbath" for research on the level of the vocals and the guitars/rates/rhythms.
French (Original)
Réédition sur Moribund Cult d'un album paru en 2004, Burning The Born Again… (A New Philosophy) de Satan's Host, groupe du Colorado, donne dans un black/death métal diabolique et poignant. Étonnamment, le groupe a débuté en 1977 en tant qu'unité… power métal! Le groupe se sépare en 1987/88, lorsque leur chanteur Leviathan Thisiren (aka Harry Conklin) quitte la formation, pour se reformer en 1994 avec un nouvel artiste vocal, L.C.F. Eli Elixir, prenant ainsi un nouveau départ, dans une nouvelle direction musicale. Un parcours intéressant, qui donne lieu à un haut niveau d'expérimentation dans les séquences, dans l'ambiance ainsi que dans la production. Burning The Born Again… (A New Philosophy) marque un pas important dans la dynamique de ce groupe de vieux routiers, et incarne la preuve que les années n'ont pas eu raison du feu sacré.
Ce quatrième opus en carrière marque la venue dans la formation d'un nouveau batteur, Pete 3. Wicked. Issu de la scène grindcore, la nouvelle recrue emmène avec lui des influences qui donne au son du groupe quelque chose de plus brutal, plus cru. Au niveau vocal, on alterne entre les sonorités black métal, plus présentes au compte final, à quelques touches death plus gutturales. Les harmonies vocales ambiantes chantées se font aussi remarquer, ainsi que quelques proses parlées, qu'ils décrivent comme des « incantations poétiques traitant de 'Black Magick' ». La magie noire et le satanisme, deux thèmes fréquemment abordés dans le répertoire du groupe, forment donc encore la base du registre lyrique du quartet, anti-chrétiens affirmés.
Au niveau musical, on note entre autres le retour des synthétiseurs et claviers, un ajout qui à titre évolutif, donne une dimension plus 'épique' au son du groupe. Legs probable de leur époque power, évoluant bien avec leur nouveau style, ces derniers donnent des accents mélodiques et des émotions différentes au produit final. La fureur des séquences de guitares quant à elle, évoque à certains moment des sentiments profondément âpres auprès de l'auditeur, à certains autres une rythmique soutenue, très 'groovy', définit le défoulement ultime, et frôle même le thrash métal à certain moments précis. À tout moment, les pistes de drums offrent une symbiose parfaite avec l'ambiance des pièces : d'une exactitude lancinante par moments, se lançant dans de furieux blast beats le moment suivant, jouissant d'un jeu de cymbales et de bass drums d'une qualité impressionnante, le nouveau venu dans la formation et dans les sphères professionnelles se débrouille extrêmement bien. L'utilisation de capteurs de pression (communément appelés « triggers » dans le jargon) sur le bass drums permet aussi une qualité d'enregistrement sans précédent pour le groupe. Le son clean et gras de la basse vient complémenter toutes ces qualités rythmiques.
En somme, la production impeccable de l'album rends justice à la qualité inhérente à la composition, à la recherche effectuée au niveau du son qui donne un nouveau souffle au groupe, et lui rends justice avec leur album le plus solide à date. Pour le mélomane, les influences variées, emmenées par l'expérience diversifiée des membres de la formation américaine, offre un produit intéressant à disséquer. Pas besoin d'être callé en musique par contre pour apprécier la simplicité accrocheuse des séquences qui font la force motrice de cet album. Mes recommandations : « Sinners in Sanctuary », « Burning The Born Again » et « Inverted Jesus », pour le groove l'intensité de la prestation, et "The Unholy Sabbath" pour la recherche au niveau des vocals et des guitares/rythmes.
-Katy Maloney
LinkAs the story goes, guitarist Patrick Evil has been working this band since the late '70's, with a debut album released in 1986. Over the years the band has fully turned over members between the original drummer getting murdered and other people dropping out. Now the band is a completed four piece, and Burning The Born Again… (A New Philosophy) is a brand new re-issue of an album recorded in 2004.
The Moribund re-issue of this album, originally issued by Sonic Wave, contains 15 tracks, two more than the original. The two bonus tracks are "Sulfuric Stardust" and "A New Philosphy", in addition, on this version; the track listing has been changed substantially. No reason is given for this. For those that have heard the album, the bonus tracks fit right in and only add to the blackened evil that is Satan's Host. For those not familiar with the band, it sort of goes like this; a blackened thrash with death metal elements. Much like Dissection in their approach, the band uses an old school approach to black/death metal. Much in the lines of Venom, Mayhem, and Bathory with that original black metal guitar sound, the vocals have a little more death metal in their delivery, very Swedish sounding, like Grave or early Entombed.
The songs have a slower dirging sound, but incorporate blast beats, and some quicker chord delivery at times that really change up the sound of certain tracks. This is my first exposure to this band, and I feel left out for all these years. Much like the truly underground black metal bands that often go unheard for anyone not totally emerged in the sub underground, this is one of those bands that got a little lost in the shuffle, but no longer. This is pure metal in the way that Possessed, Celtic Frost, and Merciful Fate were when you first heard them.
LinkOriginally released in 2004 by Black Magic, "Burning the Born Again" is resurrected once more, this time sporting new cover art and five new tracks. Driven by the power-metal foundation that dominated 1986's "Metal from Hell," the music's prevailing genre is now blackened death metal. Buzzsaw guitars rip through a barrage of blistering riffs and mammoth power chords, with the rhythm section alternating the pace at will, from hard-driving blasts to slower, heavier set pieces sure to get your chest thumping. Vocals spew from the innards of some poor possessed soul and there are keyboards, although these are light and used to plug holes. With its rich mixture of genres channeled through supreme musicianship and solid compositional skills, Satan's Host is a unique voice in the wilderness-those seeking blackened death metal that grips you by the throat and refuses to let go would do well to pick this one up.
-Octavio Ramos Jr.
No Current Link
Rising from the outer realms of Hell and bringing forth uncompromising wisdom and and magicka for the past 20 years, hailing from Colorado on high mountains " SATANS HOST " bringing crushing ridges and crushing musicianship of blackmetal with twisting tempos of enigmatic and mind blowing blasphemy. I mean full throttle forces of Damnation has set forth since 1985 , i have to say that again 20 years of crushing the stages , crushing the metal realm with there might and majestic magicka!
Just pure delightment , pure empowerment the cunning musicianship of "Elixir" with his vocals of strenght and immeasurable ranges and the harmonizing backround vokals of the newest warrior to emerge within the band" Derek Demon " and the bass chords he ripps out will have you at speechless descents, and with "Pat Evil" harmonizing the backround vocals as well with his unabashing rythyms and on lead guitars oh what a force so fars to reckon with and not only the drumsss "Pete 3 Wicked" comes forth and kicks some hell rythyms out and keeps your mind encompassed on his full throttle existence of pure blasphemic driven speed.
Quenching many thirsts for 20 years , with albums as far back as 1985- "Metal from Hell" and then in 1987- "Midnight Wind", and between 1988 through 1994 there was some seclusion for the band then ripping back some more hell made blackmetal in 1999- In Articulo Mortis and then in 2000- Archidotes of Evil " and still crsuhing out some grand opus' here comes 2001- " Live, Evil , Lives oh what an album as i must say , and then in 2002- " Legions of the Fire Age " and then in 2004- " Burning the Born Again. And now working on a new opus so keep on looking out for more news on this grand and magicka band that will bring you to higher and deeper realms of your soul with ripping and tantalizing your heart blacker then the night itself .
This line up and these musicians packing punches of pure blasphemy will forever be branded in your soul, once ypu take a listen , you will never want to turn back and you will be addicted as i am to this day, Pat Evil: Lead guitars that rip your veins open / and back up harmonizer vokals and also the synthesizers that will roar your heart and rumble in your soul for many years to come Eli Elixir : the vokals of demons and magicka and pure blasphemy , will hold your attention and make your soul travel through the whirlwinds of time and neverending pure damnation. Derek Demon : newest warrior to emerge his bass will keep your heart fast paced and have you enthralled with his back up harmonizer vokals Pete 3 Wicked : drums that will pound your heart make your veins flow blackest rythyms!
-Regina Kutler
No Current Link
Let's face it....when it comes to Black Metal, America has churned out a lot of posers who will always aspire to the majesty of European Black Metal acts like Emperor, Darkthrone, Mayhem, etc. but never can attain it. They've got the corpse-paint, they've got the B.C. Rich Warlock guitars, they've got the shrieking vocals, and for the most part they've got the sh*tty production.
However, one can undoubtedly attribute the various deficiencies of most American Black Metal bands to one common factor: Their interest in the dark side of human nature never supercedes their need for shock value. Paint your face white, put on a black frown, wear a bunch of spikes, meander pointlessly on the fretboard of your guitar on the bottom three strings and you're a Black Metal band, right? Wrong.
But suppose you're an American Black Metal band. Suppose you have a decade+ track record of tireless touring and recording in addition to your band's sincere interest in the Left Hand Path. Suppose that during your shows, you can don corpse paint and spiked gauntlets and single-handedly invoke the forces of darkness and command them to bestow their infernal powers upon you, that you may show the audience what it really is to play host to the Prince of Darkness.
Then you are Satan's Host.
As far as their music goes, Satan's Host are evenly spread across several genres. Black Metal interspersed with Death and Melodic Death metal. They make their devotion to the forces of darkness apparent through their lyrical and melodic prowess. Unlike many Black Metal bands, each song is its own entity and easily differentiated from the rest; a different exploration of our animalistic and carnal natures.
As American Black Metal goes, it's hard to find any band more dedicated to "practicing what they preach." Eli Elixr is completely engrossed in all things Satanic and possesses an intellect not often found among Satanic metal circles. He truly believes in the magical practices he espouses, and isn't one for the neanderthalic ranting often vomited forth by numerous "Satanic" metal bands.
The bottom line is that if you like your metal dark, harsh, and genuine.....you need to pick up this CD.
Satan´s Host is pure violence unleashed over the listener. Their music has a strong death metal sound but they also include cleverly some black metal elements and also some thrash parts. Extreme vocals are her a main feature and you have them for every taste. that is, from screaming vocals in the type of bands like Destruction to growls in the pure death metal way. There are really fast parts but the band emphasizes heaviness and not only speed creating riffs and rhythms that that are much heavier than one note runs. The drumming is really intense creating fast patterns with killer use of snare and bass drums. there are some guitar solos that are short but fit the msuic well creating a microatmosphere within the songs. The sound is really loud and the guitars sound huge making this an even more brutal sounding release. This is pure aggressive metal with fast destructive parts.
No Current Link
SATAN'S HOST eclipsed from the towering mountains of Denver (Colorado) after having fought the last three decades against humanity. This resulted in creating black metal from hell itself as they describe it. Last year on May 1st, the pack entered Hellion Studios to perform and record their rituals. More than enough material was captured on tape - only due to the limited length on an eighty-minute disk - and so there had to be some deleting of certain tracks done. "Burning The Born Again… - A New Philosophy" was born and was scheduled to be released last spring. The members of the present line-up consist of five individuals, although the CD about to be reviewed includes four demons as only these were present at that time. Now SATAN'S HOST have made a deal to get on stage for the biggest metal party in the Southwest - which is called Las Vegas Metal Fest - around September this very year. Wow! This "Burning The Born Again… - A New Philosophy" bursts loose as one hell of a death metal band. This is somewhat surprising, because of the fact both bandname and their visual appearance within the included booklet seem as if we're dealing with a black metal album. When titletrack 'Burning The Born Again' and 'H.E.L.L.' are passing by, one could very well place SATAN'S HOST' music in the MORBID ANGEL category - for it same Satanic death metal complexity - combined with the fury of ARKHON INFAUSTUS' "Filth Catalyst". The sound on this seventy-minute album is crystal clear and doesn't have many flaws to begin with. Sometimes the volume of both vocals and solo guitar could've cranked up a notch or two. Most deserved respect goes toward the guitar-sound, which does remind the listener to the one AT THE GATES used to have on "Slaughter Of The Soul". As "Burning The Born Again… - A New Philosophy" continues it's evident more heavy old school death metal riffs emerge sporadically and these parts do bring variety within the setlist, such as 'Unholy Sabbath', 'Satan's Host' and 'Inside The Castle Of Euphoric Blasphemy'. Although it is mentioned that a synthesizer is being used, it is definitely not a leading instrument and therefore isn't much in use thank Satan. The electronic device does add some elements, such as background themes and enhances chorus and delay for sphere. SATAN'S HOST has unleashed some aggressive fury with this musical opus injected with a severe dose of heavy death metal. Not extremely new of course, but few bands can actually play with this intensity. So "Burning The Born Again… - A New Philosophy" is honestly noteworthy and will most probably will be written in this writer's top ten of 2004. Along with the new CD, both shirts and hoodies are on the way if you by any change are interested in SATAN'S HOST merchandise. These items can be purchased at shows or by mail; further information can be acquired at their website. Through me the hordes of hell enter into a gateway unto earthly planes of reality!
No Current Link
I´m just wondering why on earth it took such a long time for me to become aware of these ugly and venomous disciples of Satan from the majestic mile-high mountains of Colorado? I recently became aware of their existence nearly by accident by surfing the net, without having any intentions to find anything specifically ´important´ or anything at all. The band´s name simply popped up from somewhere and I´m glad I did eventually do some research on this band.
Satan´s Host album history goes back to the year 1986 when a small label Web Records released the band´s debut album titled METAL FROM HELL (feat. Harry "The Tyrant" Conklin from Jag Panzer on vocals!). Musically this should fall somewhere into a classic and traditional US-Heavy/Speed/Power Metal with a truly dark and evil vibe I´m told. The album was a very limited release and has been bootlegged several times since its release in several different formats, so consider yourself a lucky bastard if you own the original copy (Hell, I don´t... and in places like eBay the original vinyl copy for it may go as up as €150, damn it!!). After that album – and after a respectable amount of hellish, self-released albums, line-up changes (as a single horrifying note, the band´s original drummer D. Lucifer Steel was murdered in 1988, a bit over year since the band´s 2nd full-length recording, carrying the title MIDNIGHT WIND), sort of a 6-year period of down time in the band´s activities, etc. – I decided to fly from those times to this very day, holding here and now the band´s most recent record in my hands titled BORNING THE BORN AGAIN... (A NEW PHILOSOPHY). As a tiny technical mention, there´s 13 songs on this release, over 73-minutes of Metal Muzik; enough for two separate releases actually. And what about Satan´s Host´s Metal Muzik then? It´s actually quite hard to pinpoint what specific musical category they belong to musically, but if I told you a blackened Thrash Metal with strong Satanic and occult themes added with soundtrack-ish atmospheres all over their songs...then I believe you would get some sort of a clue about their stuff. But of course by coming up with this, a relatively short description to sum up what Satan´s Host is all about musically, obviously doesn't do 100% justice for them at all. In the name of Master Satan, at least I know I tried my best, heh!
But really, Satan´s Host is just much more musically than one could think of at first. They squeeze elements very effortlessly from almost all genres of Metal tightly together into one massive package of their own. From Thrash Metal to Heavy Metal to Black Metal to Death Metal – even to slices of Doom Metal and they do it by their own unique style. A mish-mash of different Metal styles that they have been capable of incorporating into this album, is quite unbelievable and in many ways even respectable in terms of how damn well and convincing they have done this without loosing direction or focus. Even if the album has 13 songs in total, none of them can be considered filler by any means. These 13 songs herein represent pure old-school Metal mayhem of the highest class; no compromises, no sell-out – only 100% dedication to their impure union of the sounds of Armageddon that is meant to slay everyone who happens to come too close to the not too often unexplored paths of theirs. Satan´s Host is definitely the best ´old-new´ Metal band that I have been lucky to discover during the past 5-6 months or so. I think I´m even rather helpless and impotent to put everything into the right words in order to describe them the best possible way for how much enthusiasm I feel toward them right now. These guys have obviously managed to steal and slay my heart and soul for their side forever, but I have to say I still feel absolutely comfortable with them. It´s an unjustified crime if they are not snapped by some known record label soon. And yes, they do need your support, so go and check their website out for some sample songs from some of their albums and spread the word of their existence to your friends. Ya hear me, you fool! You are on Satan´s Host list next... you have been warned at least!
-Luxi Lahtinen
LinkHow many bands do you know that have changed their music style? Probably many, but from those bands, most of them have changes from a heavy style to a less heavy, more "commercial" style to put it someway. SATAN'S HOST started in the early 80's playing heavy/power metal, releasing a couple of albums, where their vocalist went then to JAG PANZER. Suddenly, Patrick Evil, the only original member decided it was time to call it quits. Many things happened that seemed like a curse; their drummer died, they even had to play for some time under a different name and they left a good contract with a strong record label on hold. Many years later the band is reborn…but playing black/death metal!!! Yes, it is like that, but don't think it is any kind of death/black metal…it is like a mixture with something from Slayer, something from Bathory, a lot of brutal Swedish death metal like the early Unleashed albums and there are still some traces of that heavy metal they used to play, but with a more macabre, heavier and more obscure sound. Eli Elixir the vocalist, gives the band a lot of power, he reminds me at times to Jon Tardy from Obituary, something from Jeff Becerra of Possessed and Ingo from Necrodeath. Also, the band is able to mix fast songs with some other which are played more at mid-tempo, although in my point of view a couple of songs sound a bit similar. No matter of what happened to the band, what has not changed over the years is the lyrical concept, always dedicated to…oh, you make it out. One thing is for sure, it is an excellent disc, with a lot of variety and that fans of all extreme metal styles will enjoy.
-Julián Nuñez
LinkThat's a shame that I haven't heard Satan's Host earlier. They have been playing for years, for two decades, and "Burning The Born Again." is only a chapter in their long history. This chapter is impressive. The title track that opens the album is great, dynamic combination of old-school Death Metal and Thrash/Speed Metal, and this direction dominates in the compositions from the first part of the material. Satan's Host delivers many outstanding, original riffs, and creates very dark, blasphemous atmosphere. It is a common feature of all tracks on the "Burning The Born Again.". In the middle of the album, the tracks are slower and a bit more melodic. I regret that Satan's Host didn't record more fast and aggressive compositions in a vein of the title one or "H.E.L.L.", but I cannot criticize slower hymns of darkness because they have great, majestic mood. And when the tracks need fast parts, they are where they should be. Satan's Host's members really know how to compose long, epic compositions. The album lasts over 70 minutes. I was wondering if it should have been shorter. One can say that lasting 10 or 20 minutes less, "Burning The Born Again" would have been better because in such form, it would probably have been more dynamic. On the other hand, I can't find even one bad track here so it wouldn't make any sense to remove one or two compositions to make the album shorter. Listening to Satan's Host, I think of the bands from the 80's and early 90's, Merciless, Messiah, Bathory, Darkthrone (first album), and Necrodeath. I don't suggest that there are strong musical connections here. I only want to say that only exceptionally talented bands manage to compose so dark and complex music, and these bands become the legends of the genre. Satan's Host is one of these very talented acts. It's definitely one of the best Colorado's projects ever formed, and very interesting representative of US underground.
-Metal Side
LinkWhen you feel the desperate urge to find the right angle to communicate your enthusiasm about something, it could be a painful experience, believe me. And I am in this situation now trying to convince you that this album is a true miracle. How to praise this the right way? Because we all have the same experiences about reviews and adverts promising us so-called masterpieces which reveal themselves mediocre in the end, once we have spent our precious money on these craps of course! But take my word: this album is a killing from track 1 to track 13. You can see "Burning The Born Again" as a grand declaration of war against the lifeless "Metal" music that plagues the underground for now. I don't know if you feel like me, but I have enough of these useless bands trying to break out, convinced they are they have something of interest to offer. And in the end we rather give "Hell Awaits" or "Don't Break The Oath" a new spin, right? Thankfully, SATAN'S HOST still exist to prove in a fiery and triumphant way that all hope is not lost. With this new offering, they have reached the highest level imaginable in term of song writing and musical abilities. These Metal warriors unleash onto us their personal Armageddon, their private musical Hell, and it is a stunning experience, the kind of which you don't return from exactly the same. They are unique in the sense they don't have severed their ties with the scene of old and with what they were twenty years ago (please note: SATAN'S HOST are not a reformed band!). "Burning The Born Again" is the synthesis of all what the Metal of Death has offered us from its inception until now. SATAN'S HOST have put into their magical cauldron the most exciting elements of Heavy, Death, Black, Thrash and even Doom (listen to 'Unholy Sabbath' to hear what I mean) to come out with the ugly beast this album is. Like I wrote before regarding some of their earlier recordings, SATAN'S HOST could evoke SLAYER here, MERCYFUL FATE there, but in the end they have their own style, highly original. Once again on this album, singer Eli Elixir graces us with an unreal performance; this man may be the best vocalist in extreme Metal right now, thanks to his hateful and deep voice (the human equivalent of a demon's roar you can say, but always clearly decipherable though). The rhythm section handled by bassist J. Phantom and drummer Pete 3 Wicked is punishing all the way, from the slow splashing passages to the blast parts, a feast of complexity. And what to say about the guitar playing of Patrick Evil, the only survivor of the first SATAN'S HOST line-up, except that it is stellar? Patrick shows how gifted he his throughout the entire disc, he has developed a style coming from the heavy rock of the 70s and adapted it to the brutal Metal of today, his solo on 'Darkmoon Gathering' is alone worth the price of admittance. The only flaw of this record is that it is too long, because too good becomes too much in the end, and a complete listen could leave you totally exhausted (but exhilarated too!). So, if you are looking for the best pure evil Metal in the world, then look no further, your search is over. Rank this side by side with "Hell Awaits", "Seven Churches", "Nasty Savage", "None Shall Defy" or "Altars Of Madness", I am dead serious about this you see. To get this fabulous offering, contact PatrickEvil@SatansHost.com or Elixir@SatansHost.com and of course visit http://www.SatansHost.com to hear some samples of the band's new (and older) songs. A message to the record label owners: stop signing crap and trendy shit, and offer SATAN'S HOST the deal they deserve 100%. To all of you: SUPPORT THIS MAJESTIC METAL FROM HELL!
-Edouard Vergriete
Link2005 will surely be a crucial year for the legendary SATAN'S HOST, as their new record, the fantastic "Burning The Born Again… (A New Philosophy)", already available as a self-release (see the review section), will be soon unleashed on a far broader scale thanks to a proper record deal. I don't think a long introduction is needed, let's Eli Elixir (vocals) and Patrick "Satan" Evil do the talking in their enthusiastic and flamboyant way!
Let's begin with what is to me the biggest mystery regarding SATAN'S HOST. Recently you unleashed a new album entitled "Burning The Born Again… (A New Philosophy)". Yet, despite the remarkable quality of this record, both music and production wise, this is a self-release. How come? Didn't you manage to secure a proper deal? I can't imagine you didn't receive any offer at all, so your comments about this rather strange situation are more than welcome here…
"Well this is a record of remarkable quality, both musically and production wise and yes we did self finance this project all on our own. No help from any outside influences. Well, we are presently working on securing a record deal as with distribution around the world. So in the near future the SATAN' HOST muzik shall be in record stores and on-line stores in the beginning of the New Year... 2005. We did shop this album out around the world. I believe that there were close to 100 record labels, both independent and major that received this project. Our belief is to solidify the integrity of our Legacy which has propelled us to never quit doing what we truly love to do with or without backing from the industry. As Metal Warriors in the trenches and on the front lines of this Apocalyptic War against all other music, we have a life long responsibility unto our Legions / Fans worldwide to continue in our quest too enlighten those of like minds. SATAN'HOST and the Legacy of the Muzik have always had one mind set, and that is to be leaders / pioneers in this realm of Metal."
It seems you don't tour these days and that you play only in your home state (Colorado). Do you plan to change this situation in a near future, or other commitments impeach you to consider extensive touring?
"Well to be honest with you and our fan base, we have been out and about for the past year plus touring... Self financed. Mainly performing in and around the four corners of the United States, due to our limited resources. Colorado, New Mexico and places like Texas we have unleashed the muzik even songs from past albums and the response was very kind to us. Though in the near future we are going to be a lot more involved with the Metal Festivals across America, perhaps even some European festivals. We truly do have our energies directed towards taking the muzik overseas and performing it to our European fan base. This is our Satanic commitment not only too the muzik, but to our Metal Brothers worldwide. SATAN'S HOST is and will always be a Live band, there is no other form of Satanic energy that can equate unto what will manifest during a live SATAN'S HOST show. It is more of a ritualistic ceremony of like minds, where the crowd dictates the velocity of muzikal power too be unleashed."
What kind of response did you get since the album is out? I am asking that because I didn't read that much reviews of it until now, at least on the net. What kind of promotion do you make for "Burning…"? I have the feeling that you are content enough with your state of seclusion, but maybe I am wrong?
"The support has been incredible, beyond our expectations. The energies that have been evoked truly have rekindled the unbridled fire within our black hearts. Just in knowing that we are well into the span of two decades, our fans and their loyalty unto the muzik and what we represent is very true and monstrous. Basically in promoting this project we hunted down those who we felt were worthy of this nocturnal opus and appreciate its integrity. Knowing full well within our black hearts of all the trickery that the oppositions in this industry can do, and who would try and stand in our way... Never get in the way of a pack of demons that are on a mission from Hell or you will be devoured. We are never content! To be content is to be dead. Our seclusion was a self manifesto, so as to evoke the Magick of our essence and solidify our direction and enlightenment... The Muzik. Our relentless dedication and belief shall always direct us too greatness in this realms of metal from Hell."
Who handles the song writing duties recently? Are the new members involved in the process? I guess you two are the key persons when it comes to composing, but again it could be a wrong assumption of mine?
"Song writing duties are revealed by Patrick Evil on guitar. His ideas and creations are summoned forth from beyond, into the presence of the now. Lyrical philosophies and ritualistic evocations are inked by Eli Elixir. For the most part the whole creation manifesto is mainly in the left hands of these two Metal Warriors. Collaborations are from dimensions of another when these two magicians get together in the same room... Magick is awakened. The true unity becomes apparent once we start working in the drums and beats, filling out the whole composition of each song. Then while this is happening Virgil Impaler (rhythm guitar - Edouard) is working on solidifying the rhythms of each unique trax that comes too life. Once the lyrics are worked out and smooth on top of the muzik the whole formulation begins to come into play. There is truly a feeling from another dimension that comes too life in our muzik room: a Demon or Demons which are commuting through and unto our plane of existence here on the third dimension. At times there are energies and powers that begin to take form, circling around the walls of our rehearsal room. SATAN'S HOST is bigger than just any one man, it is of the whole where One Supreme Intelligence comes too life."
Patrick, as the only founding member still in activity within the SATAN'S HOST ranks, could you please fill us in with info about the earliest days of the band? How and when exactly SATAN'S HOST did form, and what were your musical influences back then? And by the way, how did you get in touch with Harry Conklin? Did you "steal" him from JAG PANZER? Was Harry at ease with your material in the first place, because it was quite a departure for the more melodic and less chaotic style of his former band?
"In the early years SATAN'S HOST arose from the deepest dark vibrations that arose from the fiery vibrations within my dark heart. It became very clear to me that not many warriors would have the strength to join me in my aspirations. So the only way possible for me to inscribe the muzik I had visions of creating was to enlist people who I could mould like clay. Back when I formed this entity it was the year 1979 I had met D. Stele. It took us around 5 years to meet Belial on bass. In all the years that had passed the foundation for "Metal From Hell" was forged. I had met Harry through a editor for a magazine called HEAVY METAL TIME, Andrew Banks. Harry and I had got together and wrote a few songs together yet he still was afraid to become the fulltime singer for SATAN'S HOST. So I found out about a showcase gig that JAG PANZER was doing for labels at a local club. After that show I asked Harry to come out to my car and listen to some songs I had written. He came along and it was at that moment I drove off with him in the car. I informed him that the demons were directing him to become the fulltime singer for SATAN'S HOST. After that he never looked back and we forged the foundations in which "Metal From Hell" began."
If I remember well, your first album (the legendary "Metal From Hell") was already a self-release. Did you receive offers from established labels back at the time? Were you aware right from the start of the originality of your music which was far more brutal than the current productions of the period in the Heavy Metal field? Were you in close contact with your fan base, and what kind of response did you get from the Metal maniacs in the United States and abroad?
"Metal From Hell" was released on a small label called Web Records. Back then we never knew how to shop for labels so we took whatever offer that came to the table. All I was concerned about at the time was to write the most intense Metal I could. I am a true warrior of Metal and have chosen to carry the torch for all the fans of extreme muzik all my life. I was always aware of I was conjuring forth. To me 99% of the muzik that was so called Metal was just a joke. Not many had really stepped forth and lit the torch that burned deep within my heart. I kept in close contact with the fans the best I knew how at the time. I have never been much of a speaker or a demon who would like to do interviews or talk with people I have always felt the muzik would speak for what I had to SAY!! The response from fans around the world has always been amazing. That is what has kept me driven in my writing. I have more fire and love now for the muzik than ever before. The fire burns just as deep now as when SATAN'S HOST first started. I owe everything to the warriors the fans the people like you who believe in SATAN'S HOST. You are the reason we exist!! It would have been real easy for most men to walk away and never keep this demon alive after all the unit has endured. But we know without SATAN'S HOST and other warriors who believe the flame of Metal would fade away. As long as we exist the flame shall always burn eternally 666."
Did you tour to support "Metal From Hell" on the road, and with which bands? What are the most noticeable anecdotes you would like to share with us about your musical life back then?
"We did tour for "Metal From Hell" in the States with VOIVOD, KREATOR, POSSESSED, DARK ANGEL and SLAYER. My life back then was all about delivering the message of Satan and all the demons much as it is now. The only difference between now and then is I have people around me who have the same beliefs as myself and I no longer have to carry the torch alone. For I have other warriors who stand by my side and give me there strength as do I to them. In all my life before this place of the now I have been the only true Metal warrior within the circle of SATAN'S HOST."
In the "Legacy" section of your web site, you mention you received death threats around the years 1985 - 1987. What are the origin and the reasons for such threats? Was the brutal death of your former drummer D. Lucifer Stele connected with that?
"Well in that time SATAN'S HOST had received a lot of press and the momentum had grown just about ever major magazine was taking notice of SATAN'S HOST. We had groups such as M.A.S.H (mothers against SATAN'S HOST), the PMRC even the FBI contacting us and letting us know in not so polite words to stop. Of course SATAN'S HOST would never succumb to such threats. There is no proof that D. Stele was murdered by any of these people making threats but one does have to wonder."
Could you please give us details about the 1988 - 1994 period, within which SATAN'S HOST was laying dormant? Eli, what role did you play in the SATAN'S HOST resurrection? How did you integrate the ranks of the band? Was it difficult to convince Patrick to go further with SATAN'S HOST?
"Yes, between the years of 1988 - 1994 there was a period of self seclusion, where the whole SATAN'S HOST Grotto was manifesting its Magick. In this time period of the group's career the weak ones eventually fell or went off to do other projects or other things that one does in life. Leaving the Legacy too pursue a different path unto the Kingdom of Wisdom. It was not until 1994 when Elixir was recording a live album with another group at a local club, where he and Evil for the first time began directing their energies towards resurrecting the SATAN'HOST Legacy. The two had talked about the preparations for a few years prior via telephone, yet now after meeting in person again for nearly nine years the fire once again began to create a conflagration of Muzik. Truly this was the beginning of a new chapter in the SATAN'S HOST Legacy. Eli Elixir was the fire that ignited the muzik and got the satanic hordes into the group once again. He has devoted his life to this New Generation and is the one who gathered all the musicians in the past decade plus to get a full line-up prepared for the Legions in taking the muzik out live. He handles all the business and merchandising, he sets up the gigs, talks to the promoters, deals with the recording sessions and manages the group's finances. He alone is the sole reason that SATAN'S HOST has evolved and matured from teenage punks of lies and excess, into Metal Warriors of Dedication and muzikal direction. Without his strength and will The Legacy would not have evolved into the new millennia and the hordes of hell would not have direction from the Muzik and Lyrical ideologies of Satan's Host. Elixir integrated into the rakes when there was none at all in that period of time; he took the reigns and stepped forth into the future of what was happening among the Metal scene around the world. A Leader among men he set the ground work for the new projects and the conceptual ideas of each album that has been released since. There were times when Patrick Evil did have to look in the mirror and within his own will and ask himself if he had the inner strength and power to pursue in the future of the SATAN'S HOST Legacy. Even times when he would have to give himself a swift kick in the ass to remain focused on the project at hand, so as to give the Legions / Fans the very best that he has to offer them with his guitar playing abilities. Though all in all this is truly our destiny, SATAN'S HOST is more productive than ever right now, as we are about to enter into our twenty year anniversary... 2005."
Two SATAN'S HOST records, "In Articulo Mortis" and "Archidoxes Of Evil", saw the light of the day in 1999 and 2000 respectively. Yet they were apparently spread very scarcely, if not at all. In my case, if someone hadn't mention to me in 2003 you were still in existence, I wouldn't have never been aware of the fact. Were these two recordings meant to be promo stuff only? Again, I don't understand the obscurity surrounding the new SATAN'S HOST, so thank you to explain the whole situation…
"When we enter into a recording studio it is meant to last for eternity, see the songs as a reflection our immortality, not so much as an individual but as a collective whole... Legions / Fans. The "In Articulo Mortis" and "Archidoxes Of Evil" CDs as with the "Live Evil Lives, A 5th New Aeon" were distributed, yet on a underground basis, as some record stores out on the West Coast have these projects for sale to the public. We have re-released the "Archidoxes Of Evil" CD under our own label Black Magick, Inc. Check periodically for updates on our website, they will be online very soon for purchase. We are working very hard at re-releasing everything that we have ever done and in the future our fans shall have access to all of our bodies of work. We are a self financed group with limited resources, yet we do the best that we can with our limited means and remain true to the muzik and to what we represent. This would explain the limited quantity of our CDs and the limited distribution, now with the web page we are able to get our muzik to the fans who are truly into the muzik and are willing to spend the cash for the product. Perhaps this is the obscurity that you speak of, see we are a self made group with no financial help from anyone outside of this circle. We do what we do because of the Love of Metal Muzik and we will continue to do so for as long as we possibly can... Hail Metal From Hell... 666."
SATAN'S HOST has evolved from a brutal and chaotic form of Heavy Metal in the mid-80s to a very technical mix of Heavy / Death / Thrash Metal in the 90s and now. I guess you have kept yourselves aware of the evolution of the Metal scene. Do you think SATAN'S HOST played a role in the development of the extreme Metal scene especially in the US? What are the bands who impress you the most right now?
"Right on Eduardo, thanx for noticing how we have evolved throughout the decades. Yes, we do keep ourselves informed on what goes on in the Metal scene around the world as with its evolution with the times. We would like to believe that SATAN'S HOST played a role in the development of extreme Metal, not only in the Western regions of America but on a Worldly level. In the USA out on the West Coast we were one of the pioneering Satanic Metal acts who evolved from the early eighties. We did influence other Warriors of Metal with our Satanic Ideologies within the muzik and the extreme compositions. Even did a few shows with some of the bands that have managed to evolve and remain a performing and recording group in present times. Most impressive bands that we respect are groups like SLAYER, for the longevity and ability to keep producing great muzik. VITAL REMAINS, their new release is very pioneering in the scene right now, we had a chance to see them live summer of 2004 with G.Benton on vocals, spent some time talking to them about what's going on with Metal. DEICIDE, for bringing the power into the muzik of Metal as with their lyrical concepts have always been influential and impressive. MAYHEM for being able to persevere through all the negativity that they have had to endure in order to survive, as with the ability to go in muzikal directions of a new and with their philosophical-lyrical content. These are some of the groups that truly are inherent in our being as Magicians of the SATAN'S HOST Grotto, they represent an inner strength and fire unto the realm of metal for us... Ave Lucifer... 999."
I have detected strong similarities between SATAN'S HOST and INFERNAL MAJESTY music wise. Both bands favour complex song structures and mix Death and Thrash Metal the same. I wonder if you actually know INFERNAL MAJESTY music, and what do think about it?
"Yes, we do know of their music and are big fans of what they brought unto the realm of Metal. Complexity of the song structuring was mainly a cerebral challenge for us inside the Muzik, so I can see of the similarities of which you are asking. Collectively, we were after something that we believe was lost in the whole of the Metal genre... Bringing back what once was lost into the present and into the future. We have complete respect for our fellow pioneering brothers of the Left Hand Path and truly enjoy their music and ideology of lyrics."
Patrick, it seems you use very special brands of guitars since the beginning of your career, judging from the pictures I saw of you on stage. Could you please give us details about your gear, and especially the strange "coffin" guitar you play on nowadays? I bet Tony Iommi is one of your main influences (just a deduction coming from your way of playing), am I right assuming that?
"I have always played on special guitars. My first real guitar I designed myself it was a upside down cross. And in the now I have been endorsed by Schecter guitars. They have made many guitars for me. The coffin guitar is a beast all in itself. That guitar is made from a real coffin. The story is Mike C. from Schecter bought the coffin from an old Jewish man who had been exhumed from the ground; he knew the wood had been aged perfectly for the guitar. No one except me wanted a guitar from the coffin's wood. Schecter made me the coffin a 7 string guitar with the serial number 666 just as I wanted. My influences for guitar playing come from many different outlets. Tony Iommi was a influence; as was Jimmy Page and Michael Schenker. What inspired my visions of Metal the most was being original and forging new ground that others had never sought to tread. Back in the "Metal From Hell" years, I would tune the guitar up to F# why every one else were tuning there guitar down as low as they could go. Even now I play seven string guitars and do leads while most players today have this conception that leads are a waste of time and 7 string guitars are a fad. I love the great guitar players of old. They are the foundation from where Metal began. And that is why I play how I do. I want warriors of Metal to carry their guitars as a sword to slay all the weak who claim to be Metal. We shall not be denied Ave Satanas!!!!"
How come you adopted make up? Should we see that as an acknowledgement of the Black Metal bands with their war/corpse paints? By the way, what are your views about the Black Metal scene? Are you in contact with bands of this genre both domestically and abroad? What are the most impressive ones according to you?
"Well, for myself I have always worn the "WAR PAINT". It is a reflection of my inner DEMON, which is released when we perform the muzik Live. Perhaps in a way one could see it as an acknowledgement if you have never witness a SATAN'S HOST show Live. Yet if you were to hang around with us you would realize where and what we are, and how natural it is for us. Presently the Black Metal scene is very monstrous around the World and seems to keep gathering momentum which is great to see. Binding together as an oneness towards a single cause, War against all other types of music. Yes, we do have contact with a few metal brothers involved in groups and who no longer perform music, both domestically and internationally. Most impressive ones for me are groups like: ABIGOR, DARKTHRONE, MARDUK, JUDAS ISCARIOT, KATHARSIS, DISSECTION, BEHEMOTH, legendary BATHORY."
The SATAN'S HOST members are obviously deeply involved in Satanism. Do you take part in an organized church or cult, or do you practice your beliefs in a very private environment? Thank you to enlighten us with your philosophy of life and death.
"Correct, we are involved and Live the studies of the philosophies as with other forms of Theory and Practice in Magick. We are very private warriors of the left hand path and when we get together in our muzik chamber this is where ALL energies entwine amongst us of the SATAN'S HOST GROTTO. What we believe and apply is directed into the muzik and lyrics as with the whole of each album / CD concept."
To end this interview, thank you to reveal some of your future plans concerning SATAN'S HOST. Add also any comments you feel appropriate. Congratulations for the great music you offer!
"Well, we just signed with Sonic Wave International for the "Burning The Born Again" album which will be out in stores by spring 2005, available around the world. So be sure to help out Satan in getting this musical masterpiece of magick into your local record stores or place your order for the CD at http://www.sonicwaveintl.com. Thanx for this interview Edouard / VOICES FROM THE DARKSIDE and all that you have done for the Legacy of SATAN'S HOST we truly do appreciate it fellow Metal Brother of the Weapon mightier than the sword. Thanx unto the Legions of SATAN'S HOST, your loyalty is what keeps us moving forward into the future of Metal. http://www.satanshost.com. Ave Lucifer...999."
-Edouard Vergriete